Statement Design and Production Workflow

These days almost every organization has a value-add option when it comes to composing and delivering documents. At BDI, a history of reacting to customer need and request helped us craft an approach that has kept us at the forefront of our industry.

What we learned through the years has culminated in workflow solutions that are flexible and powerful enough to handle applications large and small … simple or complex … at performance speeds that only our customers are likely to appreciate.

Flexible Workflows Predict Performance

There is a range of considerations involved in the creation and distribution of electronic (web) and traditional mail documents. The demands of our industry directed us to build and integrate the following services:

  • Job Submittal for scheduled (and standalone) jobs
  • Automatic job triggering (per client approval
  • Quality controls built at selected job steps
  • Data aggregation (incl. 3rd party content)
  • Content validation (application-based parsing scripts)
  • Online job approval (Web and Mail jobs)
  • Email advisory system (including marketing support)
  • Selected / customized document design
  • Target marketing and campaign support (messaging+)
  • Archive compilation and distribution to client

As reference, an example of workflow “flexibility” can be found at Statement Job: A Case Study.

Statement Design and Composition

To meet the demand for continuing requests to be innovative with document design, we combine unique parsing techniques with the right composition tools in order to create HTML (web), Mail and Archive outputs to customer specification.

Some of the criteria considered during design include:

  • Marketing elements to focus user attention to offers.
  • Need for data aggregation or consolidation.
  • Space-saving analysis to reduce paper and postage costs.
  • Readability layout and customer preference.