Secure Customer Portal

A Direct Link to Your Production Jobs

BDI’s secure client interface enables us to stay in touch with every facet of your scheduled production and more. An over-arching target for ClientConnect was to maintain a strong “production handshake” with our customers as we coordinate an array of job-related tasks.

Under the Covers

From press printing through job approvals, ClientConnect supports the following for both Electronic and Mail delivery channels:

Production file(s) upload (incl. 3rd party content)

Targeted-marketing (TransPromo) files and instructions

Statement messages, incl. targeting instructions

Inserts, onserts and current offerings

Press instructions for Newsletters, Envelopes, etc.

Specialized document Attachments requests

Post-production instructions

Job comments, inquiries and amendments

Job Approval sampling and reporting

File download for Archive PDFs, Indexes, etc.

ClientConnect Desktop App